Monday, December 17, 2012

Fall Challenge #7

This week, Tom is trying to crush your legs...big surprise! Grab a barbell and get ready to embrace the suck.


5 rounds for time:
2 "reps" of the Bear Complex
6 Walking Lunges with same barbell

RX weights are 155/105, but please participate with whatever weight possible!

If you are unfamiliar with the "Bear" it is as follows - clean, front squat, shoulder to overhead to back, back squat, shoulder to overhead. A squat clean thruster into a back squat thruster is completely acceptable.

Please note that you must complete the shoulder to overhead from the back before starting the lunges. Lunges may be done with the bar in the front or back rack position.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fall Challenge #6

Sticking with the chipper format for another week. Chris wanted to kill our "cores" this week. I guess he thinks we are all looking a little fluffy from the Holiday vibes. So, I present to you, ABDO (pronounced ab-doe).


For Time:
50 One-Arm KB Swings (25 each arm, 53/35)
40 GHD Sit-ups (hands touch floor at bottom, hands touch foot pad at top)
30 Walking Lunge with single KB (15 L hand, 15 R hand)
20 Toes-to-Bar
10 One-Arm KB Thrusters (10 Each Side!)

Notes: You only need one KB for the entire WOD. You may do hand-to-hand KB swings if you want, as long as you do 25 per arm. Reps are divided evenly per side for each movement except thrusters, 10 per arm on those, but it doesn't have to be all 10 on one side and then all 10 on the other. You may do any combination that leads to 10 reps per side.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fall Challenge #5

My turn to program this week and I liked the "chipper" we did before so much that I am going to stick with that format. It may take a little longer than 10 minutes but since its all bodyweight stuff I figured it won't leave people too banged up.

For Time:
5 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups (Head to Floor/One Abmat)
15 Squat Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Pull-ups
25 Ring Dips
30 Alternating Jumping Lunges
35 Ring Rows (feet on box)
40 Push-ups
45 Squats
50 Sit-ups (with Abmat, no anchors, hands touch TOES at the top)

You will notice that the first nine movements rotate through a sequence of pull-press-squat and go from most difficult variation to least. If you must scale, please try to maintain the intended sequence.

"Squat Box Jump" is a move I just invented for this WOD. It is just what it sounds like. Each box jump starts in the bottom of a squat.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Fall Challenge #4

Sorry folks, this should have gone up last week but with the holiday and such, things got held up.

Brought to you by Herb Hess...

3 Rounds for time of:
15 Wall Balls (20# to 10 ft / 14# to 9 ft)
10 Pull-ups
5 Barbell Clusters (135/95)

You can thank him for including two VERY similar movements in the WB and Cluster!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fall Challenge #3

I'm really excited about this one.  Andrew came with a great idea, and I think we dialed it in just right.  Our first CompWOD chipper, of sorts.


For Time:
15 One-Armed KB C&Js (54/36)
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 One-Armed KB C&Js (54/36)

You may split up the KB C&J's between arms as you choose.  Once again, it should be a sprint!  Get after it!

Herb, you will be programming the next one, so get your thinking cap on.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall Challenge #2

I'm going to aim to have these posted every Monday or Tuesday, but Hurricane Sandy screwed that up this week.  Challenge #2 is brought to you by Kevin Belza.  I will leave this one up all of next week and post #3 on or around November 12th.

AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
Power Snatch (95/65)

Should be spicy!

Andrew Clark Griswald, you will be programming the next one, so start thinking about it and shoot me a message on FB or email me (

Monday, October 22, 2012

We're Baaaack!

The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colors, and the morning air is nice and crisp...which can mean only one's time to start preparing for the 2013 CrossFit Games Open!

In order to do that, we need to ramp up the intensity and dial in those skills!

Starting this week, we are bringing back the CompWOD.  I am going to recycle the last one from the spring to get us started:

Fall Challenge #1, brought to you by Kara-

3 Rounds for Time of:
5 Squat Cleans (155/105)
30 Double Unders

There have been lots of changes since the spring, so I'm going to re-start the order of "who gets to program this week's challenge".  I will base it off of who posts their results to THIS blog post.  As always, I will try to work with the "programmer" each week to make sure the WODs are time, space, and equipment efficient.

Spread the word and train hard!
