Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Challenge #5 - 3/27/12

Alright folks, the Open is over and hopefully you aren't all too burnt out! I am posting Challenge #5 today, but I will leave it up for 2 weeks because I know a few people were planning on taking this week off, including myself.  If you ARE training this week, and you get bored, feel free to complete any of the previous challenges that you missed!

Without further adieu, Challenge #5, brought to you by Kara-

3 Rounds for Time of:
5 Squat Cleans (155/105)
30 Double Unders

Standards of Movement:

Squat Clean - Bar starts on the ground, hips must pass below parallel with the bar in the rack position, and knees and hips must be fully open at the top of the movement.

Double Unders - No counting of "attempts".  Must pass under the feet twice for a rep to count.

Should be a quick burner!  Get after it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Alright folks, it appears that the Open has taken it's toll on participation in the CompWODs so I am going to put this little adventure on hold until after the Open ends.  We will pick back up the week of March 26th with a challenge created by Kara.  Feel free to complete any of the previous challenges that you haven't done up to this point and post your results!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Challenge #4 - 3/6/12

Early post this week, brought to you by Tom "The Motivator" C.  All you need for this one is a loaded barbell, so let's get that participation up!

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
+1 Power Clean between rounds (Bodyweight for lads/0.75xBW for ladies)

Notes: That is 84 reps of each movement, by my calculations.  If you think that is going to take you entirely too long, or leave you entirely too sore, then skip the round of 21 and start at 18.

Standards of Movement:

Push-ups - Don't do bad push-ups, they make you a bad person.

Sit-ups - I'm going to say both hands have to touch the ground (behind your ears) at the bottom.  At the top, the chest should come into contact with the thighs and the hands should touch the feet.  Standard sit-up position, with legs bent at 90 degrees and feet on the ground.  Anchors and abmats optional.

Power Clean - From the floor to the shoulders, knees and hips locked out, elbows in front of the bar.