Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Challenge #3 - 2/28/12

This week's Challenge is brought to you by Maura...

3 Rounds for Time of-
10 Tire Flips (Big Fat One/Taller Skinnier One)
15 Push-ups (Feet on Tire/Feet on Ground)
20 Russian KB Swings (70#/53#, 2 Pood/1.5 Pood, 32kg/24kg)

I think the Standards of Movement for this one should be pretty simple folks.  Also, I thought this picture was pretty fitting for Maura, since she takes care of children and wanted to flip tires outside.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Challenge #2 - 2/21/12

This week's Challenge is brought to you by Anthony...

3 Rounds for time of:
5 Handstand Push-ups (Floor/1 Abmat)
10 Ring Dips
20 KB Goblet Squats (70#/53# or 2 pood/1.5 pood or 32kg/24kg)

Standards of Movement:

Handstand Push-up - Will be performed with hands on the floor, head touches ground at the bottom (Abmat for ladies) and full lockout of the elbows at the top. Kipping is allowed for ladies only.

Ring Dips - Top of shoulder must pass below the elbow at the bottom (aka - tricep is parallel with the ground) and full lockout of the elbows at the top. Kipping is allowed for all.

Goblet Squats - KB will be held with both hands at chest level, the crease of the hip must pass below the top of the knee at the bottom, and hips and knees must be fully open at the top.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Rotation

As previously stated, the Challenges will be created by athletes on a rotating basis.  I am creating the rotation based on the order that people posted their results.  It sounds like quite a few people completed the first challenge but have not posted their results (Jay, Steve, Chris, Larry, Colleen).  I will update this post accordingly as more results come in.  This is mostly for my reference so I can keep track of who is supposed to design the challenge each week.

The Rotation-
Anthony C
Maura B
Tom C
Kara M
Mary M
Steve F
Larry P

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Challenge #1 - 2/14/12

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
10 Russian KB Swings (70#/53# or 2 pood/1.5 pood or 32kg/24kg)

Standards of Movement
Burpee - Chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. Both feet off the ground, hips fully open, and hands clap above head at the top.
Russian KB Swing - Bottom of the bell will be above the shoulders (aka - above parallel with the ground).

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Welcome to the official blog of the CrossFit Delaware Valley CompWOD!

These rules are open to change based on the majority's opinion, but this is how I see this operating:

  1. The weekly "challenge" will be posted on each Tuesday.
  2. Athletes will have until the following Sunday to complete the challenge and post their results in the comments of the actual "challenge" blog post.
  3. The challenges will be created on a rotating basis among those people completing the challenges each week.
  4. I am calling them "challenges" because they can really be anything.  They do not have to always be in met-con format (for example - total accumulated time in 3 max L-sit attempts).
  5. The challenges should be short. 10 minutes max, but preferably shorter.
  6. The challenges should never be so strenuous that they disrupt regular programming or leave athletes sore for days.
  7. Lady's weights will always be 66% of men's weights (or the typical CrossFit ratios).
  8. Initially, this will be open to CFDV members only, but I am open to expanding it based on the popularity.
I will post the first challenge on Tuesday, February 14th.  Good luck, and spread the word!