Monday, December 3, 2012

Fall Challenge #5

My turn to program this week and I liked the "chipper" we did before so much that I am going to stick with that format. It may take a little longer than 10 minutes but since its all bodyweight stuff I figured it won't leave people too banged up.

For Time:
5 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups (Head to Floor/One Abmat)
15 Squat Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Pull-ups
25 Ring Dips
30 Alternating Jumping Lunges
35 Ring Rows (feet on box)
40 Push-ups
45 Squats
50 Sit-ups (with Abmat, no anchors, hands touch TOES at the top)

You will notice that the first nine movements rotate through a sequence of pull-press-squat and go from most difficult variation to least. If you must scale, please try to maintain the intended sequence.

"Squat Box Jump" is a move I just invented for this WOD. It is just what it sounds like. Each box jump starts in the bottom of a squat.


  1. Took me a whopping 16:00. I did NOT expect it to take that long. If we get a low turnout for this one, I know why.


  2. Thanks to Chris who stayed so I could fit this workout in today.
    I completely died on the ring dips, then again in the ring rows and push ups today...ugh! Also, I just noticed I didn't do jumping lunges, I did walking. OOPS :( Guess I have another Comp WOD to make up.. Plan to over my holiday vaca...

    15:30-something - not Rx'd b/c of the darn lunges :(
