Monday, November 12, 2012

Fall Challenge #3

I'm really excited about this one.  Andrew came with a great idea, and I think we dialed it in just right.  Our first CompWOD chipper, of sorts.


For Time:
15 One-Armed KB C&Js (54/36)
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 One-Armed KB C&Js (54/36)

You may split up the KB C&J's between arms as you choose.  Once again, it should be a sprint!  Get after it!

Herb, you will be programming the next one, so get your thinking cap on.


  1. 7:09 at Globo. Harder than expected. Possibly because I did close-grip bench first...or just because I'm not used to doing KB C&J. KB C&J were 8R-7L on the first round then 3L-3R-3L-3R-2L-1R on the last round. Oh, and I did these from the "hang", no touching the ground each rep. I actually broke both sets of pull-ups one time (10-5) and did the HSPU as 5-3-3-4.


  2. Chris couldn't enter his score.

    5:38 - he thinks!
